Lake Wales churches work to vaccinate underserved Black communities
LAKE WALES, Fla. - A Lake Wales Church held a vaccination event targeted at increasing immunity to COVID-19 in African American communities.
On Tuesday, the First Institutional Missionary Baptist Church reached out to more than two dozen other local churches to invite their congregations as well.
By day's end, 600 people over 65 were given their first dose. The event was the brainchild of Rev. Joseph Pierce.
"I appreciate him. I love him for it, and I thank God for him being able to pull this off," commented Joyce Chase, one of his followers.
Pierce orchestrated the event because nationwide, Black people are being vaccinated at much lower rates than other groups. They are also dying from the virus at three times the rate of certain other ethnicities.
Pierce tried to make the process as easy and user-friendly as possible.
Since many older people don’t have a computer or are not comfortable using one, they applied the old-fashioned way, on paper.
Chase said convenience was another big plus.
The event was held at her church in the heart of the African American community, close to where she lives.
"I can’t drive," She told FOX 13. "I have one eye I can see out of, so coming here to the church is a place I know."
A lot of African Americans have a problem trusting the government, so the pastor was the first in line to roll up his sleeves and get vaccinated.
"They say if Reverend Pierce is taking it, it must be OK," he said.
Another vaccination event is going to take place at the church in about a month so people can get their second dose.