Leafy greens help power Crop Juice to expand across Sarasota

Crop Juice is a cold-press juice company in Sarasota. The company started seven years ago when owner Karen Odierna started testing out leafy green juice. 

“We started sharing it with family and friends,” Karen recalled. “And within a few months, we were like, we got to share this!”

Karen’s fiancé and co-owner, Keith Campbell, says the Sarasota area was a perfect fit for Crop Juice. 

“When we saw how different we were and how much we were being supported by people who really appreciated what was going into the product, we said maybe we have something here,” he said. 

Crop currently has three locations and they are in the process of opening two more. Their newest location will be at 2480 Stickney Point Rd. in Sarasota. 

They juice up to 40 different fruits and vegetables in their kitchen. Karen says leafy greens are the most important part of what they do. 

“We juice our leafy greens separately. Then hand-pour it into every bottle. Six to eight cups of leafy greens go into our average leafy green juice,” she explained.

They say Crop Juice is raw product with no additives and has a shelf life of three to five days.

Crop isn’t just about juice. They offer a variety of grab-and-go bowls, as well as vegan, gluten-free donuts. 

LINK: www.cropjuicesrq.com