Lincoln Park mother dies saving children in crash; speeding driver had suspended license

Jodie Kelley learned the heartbreaking news Monday night. Her daughter, Hillarie Galazka, was on her way to her Lincoln Park home with her twin boys, when a 25-year-old man, who shouldn't have been driving, rear-ended their Saturn Ion on the entrance ramp of I-96 near the Davison.

"She was my best friend she's gone now," Kelley said.

Kelley says the 5-year-old twins, pictured holding hands in the hospital, survived with only minor injuries because their 29-year-old mother threw her body in front of them to block the impact.

"Her body saved them," Kelley said. "The boys say they saw her open her eyes, and look at them and then she closed her eyes, never opened them again. They remember that."

Hillarie Galazka's twins are seen here holding hands in the hospital after she gave her life to save theirs.

"I'm just glad the babies survived a tragedy for the family," said Hillarie's brother Jacob Galazka. "Everyone loves those kids. Everyone loves Hillarie. She is a good-hearted, strong, beautiful woman. She didn't deserve this death."

Michigan State Police is investigating the fatal crash and says the speeding driver, who fled the scene and was later located at the hospital, was driving on a suspended license, had five current suspensions and two local warrants on top of two prior convictions.

"I am devastated," Kelley said. "I cannot believe that this man wasn't in prison for his entire life for all of his warrants. I can't believe he was behind the wheel doing 90 miles per hour in an SUV." 

Hillarie Galazka and two of her sons.

While prosecutors review the case, Hillarie's family is now forced to prepare for a funeral. They have started a GoFundMe account to help pay for a proper burial with the rest going to help raise Hillarie's three sons. She also had an 8-year-old, who wasn't with her at the time.

Jodie's family will remember her as a strong, selfless mother, who loved her family.

"It's going to be hard," she said. "She was my firstborn, she was so beautiful."

If you would like to donate, you can find the GoFundMe HERE.
