North Lido Beach reopens after military marking round was found
SARASOTA, Fla. - Sarasota police officers have reopened the North Lido Beach parking area and a section of the beach after a potentially explosive device was found near some trashcans.
Just before 7 a.m., someone noticed the object near a garbage can in the parking area and called 911. The caller said the device warned anyone who found it to call authorities because it could be dangerous.
The device turned out to be a military marker, which officials at MacDill Air Force Base say are like a flare and are typically used during training exercises.
Sarasota police suspect it washed up on shore and someone took it to the trashcans.

(Sarasota Police Department)
Members of the Sarasota Police Department Explosive Materials Unit responded first. After they determined what they were dealing with, they called MacDill, who sent a team to safely remove the marker.
Sarasota police reopened the area around 11:15 a.m.