Off-duty deputy records Florida man standing in sunroof while traveling on I-4

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A man spotted standing in the open sunroof of a moving vehicle faces charges after an off-duty Hillsborough County sheriff's deputy recorded video as he drove by, according to Florida Highway Patrol.

It happened Tuesday afternoon in Polk County, on Interstate 4. 

FHP says dispatchers were called about a man standing in the open sunroof of a white Cadillac, headed west.

A trooper caught up with the Cadillac on US-98 and conducted a traffic stop. 

The driver, 70-year-old Leonard Olsen, Jr., of Lakeland, was identified as the man in the off-duty deputy's video.

FHP Trooper Ricky Binet wrote in his report he told Olsen he received reports of a man fitting Olsen's description sitting in the sunroof while traveling on I-4. 

Olsen allegedly replied, "I don't know about that."

"Mr. Olsen stated that he wanted to turn himself in to an 'official' and asked if he could turn himself in to me. When asked 'why do you want to do that?' Mr. Olsen stated 'My wife treats me like a servant and she's the mistress and I'm tired of his [expletive],'" the report states, adding, "Mr. Olsen also stated, 'lock me up, I'd rather go to jail [than] go back home.'"

Olsen was detained and later admitted it was him sitting in the sunroof of his vehicle while cruise control was activated, the report states.

Olsen also allegedly told the trooper "the car drives itself," and he "thought it would be a nice way to praise God for a minute."

Olsen was charged with misdemeanor reckless driving.