Pasco deputies help Marine surprise family with homecoming

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A Christmas surprise all the way from California came in the form of private first class Logan Seymour – right to the front step of his family’s home in Pasco County.  

He hasn't been home since January. The Marine was told he would not be able to go home for the holidays, but luckily, his orders changed.

So Pasco County deputies helped pull off the big surprise.

 “I've always been one for surprises. I love reactions. It's my thing," Seymour told FOX 13 News.

The surprise was captured by body cameras worn by deputies who went to Seymour’s front door.

His mother, Deana Folz explained, "I got a phone call late last night from my son. He said that his leave was denied. I didn't really know how to respond, so I handed my phone to my husband and I started to cry."

The next morning, someone was at the door.

"Morning sir, Sheriff's Office," the voice behind the camera can be heard saying to a bleary-eyed man behind the door.

The deputies made up a little tale about needing help identifying someone. They asked Folz to come outside.

"It was nerve racking, to be honest with you. My butterflies were going you know. Was just sitting on the back just thinking, how is she going to react," Seymour said.

“Here's the young man that we need you to see if you can help us with," the deputy says.

Deana Folz said, "I don't think I realized it was him until we were actually in the house and the dust settled."

"I stepped out. She's over there like, what's going on. Sees me and her face lights up like Christmas Day. It was perfect," Logan said. "From my point of view, that was the heart-warming part, that's like sparking a fire. I mean, I'm home. That's all I can say. It's the best feeling in the world."

And the deputies were happy to help make it happen.

Pasco County Sheriff’s Office Lieutenant Mike Jones explained, “Over 28 years, I've probably missed half of those holidays, where I wasn't with my kids, my wife, my family, because of service. For me to a part of this, it means a tremendous amount because it's something I get to give to a young man who's doing a great service to his community and his country.”

"Military life is very hard. It's hard on the families to now know what your child, what your loved ones are doing day in and day out, so it makes it extra special that I get to have him here for this holiday," Folz said.

Thanks to Logan Seymour and his family, as well as Lt. Mike Jones and the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office for all of your service.