Scientists: injured dolphin doing better
When pictures first surfaced a couple weeks ago of an injured dolphin in John's Pass, there was a lot of concern it wouldn't survive. The dolphin, nicknamed "Babyface," had deep cuts to its back and tail.
Biologists with the Clearwater Marine Aquarium released new video of the dolphin Wednesday and they say from what they can see, the dolphin is doing better.
Biologists believe the female dolphin is about nine-years-old. The lacerations appear to be from a boat propeller and appear to go as deep as the bone. Scientists from NOAA and from CMA say the dolphin is now showing signs of improvement and it looks like the dolphin is able to forage for herself.
So far, there are no plans to bring her in for a rescue attempt. The marine biologists feel that would be too stressful for the dolphin, but they'll continue to monitor her condition and if things change, they may decide to rescue her in the future.
Scientists are asking that people don't go out looking for Babyface the dolphin, and if anyone comes across any dolphin in the wild, they are urged to stay at least 50 feet away from them. They also want to remind people not to feed them.