Some Florida Democrats want John Morgan for governor

TALLAHASSEE (FOX 13) - President Obama's 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina has joined the effort to draft John Morgan to run for Florida governor.
Florida's current governor, Rick Scott (R) will finish his second term in 2018 and several state politicians in both parties - including Will Weatherford, Gwen Graham and Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn - are already eyeing a run.
But some Democratic Party strategists want Morgan, given his track record and high profile across much of the state.
As a potential candidate for the Democrats, attorney John Morgan would carry a significant advantage with his name recognition.
Ben Pollara. who ran the successful medical marijuana campaign in Florida, launched the 'Draft Morgan' effort Monday, with a political committee and website,
Morgan has not yet responded to media questions about the effort to recruit him into politics, but said in a Facebook post he would put out a statement later this week, adding. "It's complicated."
Morgan led the push to bring medical marijuana to Florida. He failed in 2014, but the revived campaign prevailed in last Tuesday's election.