Restaurants get ready to reopen on Monday, but not all dining establishments are ready
TAMPA, Fla. - Julie Curry, who owns Bake ‘N Babes in Tampa, says the safety and health of her staff is top priority. For now, only take-out and delivery will be available.
“They’re kind of not ready yet to deal and interact with the general public,” explained Curry.
The same goes for Joe Dodd, owner of King of the Coop in Tampa. He said indoor dining at his business may be over for good.
“I don’t know if we will open our dining rooms again because of the space and I know safety is going to be on everybody’s mind as it is on our mind,” Dodd explained
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The governor gave restaurants the green light to re-open, but only at 25% capacity and they must follow social distancing orders. Restaurants like Watervue Grill on Harbour Island plan to open Monday, but it will be a work in progress, according to owner Andrew Bonnemort.
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“It’ll take time before everybody finds their stride and we can open up under a more full capacity but we will get it all worked out,” Bonnemort said.
Jackson’s Bistro general manager Miles McConnell said they will be ready too. Their spacious outdoor patio area makes for a safer environment for staff and customers. They’re hoping to have a full menu on Monday.
“Have patience with us, but come out and have fun," McConnell said. “Have some sense of normalcy I know everyone’s looking forward to getting out enjoying a good meal and some nice drinks.”